MÖKKI 2024


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0 days to go
Duration: 1 Day
65 Participants

MÖKKI 2024

Welcome to join MÖKKI 2024 - the Online Sales Workshop for Finnish cottage providers & international tour operators

The one-day online event MÖKKI 2024 is organized by NordicMarketing in collaboration with Visit Finland to enable meetings between Finnish cottage providers and tour operators from Central Europe. The meetings will be arranged in advance and will be attended by tour operators from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and other European countries. In 2024, MÖKKI is taking place for the second time.


MÖKKI 2024 will take place on 11th September 2024 (9-18 h, CET). Join us now!


Matchmaking starts on 28 August 2024.


Individual one-to-one meetings


© Pasi Koutaniemi / Visit Finland


MÖKKI 2024 matches suppliers and buyers based on individual profiles and needs.

Who can participate? 

Finnish cottage providers. Check prices for suppliers.

Tour operators from DACH, Benelux and other markets as well as incoming agencies are invited to join the event free of charge.

How does it work?

Registered participants will be able to filter matching suppliers/ buyers and request individual meetings. 
An online video meeting between two participants takes 15 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break.